SOme of my creations

all items are available for purchase via my etsy store

Meet the Artist

The Face behind Truman woodworks

Court chrisman

I have been interested in woodworking most of my life.  My Grandfather had a shop in his basement and it always impressed me how he could make and fix things around the house.  The first thing I made was a storage box for my Hot Wheels.  I used scrap wood and hardware I found in my Great Grandfathers shop/shed, with 24 individual slots for 24 cars.

But growing up in Rural Northwest Missouri, there isn't a lot of access to materials and suitable tools. In high school, I took a couple of shop classes but the rest of my training has been TV and YouTube.  As an early adult, I usually worked more than one job to make ends meet because I didnt get my first real job until I was 27.  After buying our first house, I started collecting tools and making small projects in the garage, when it wasn't too hot or too cold.         

 Twelve years ago we decided to build a house,  which I insured there was room for a shop in the basement.  Now that shop seems too small, it works and has air conditioning.  I have been able to produce a lot of items that are in our house.  Our dining room table, loft beds for each kid, shelves, several clocks, our (my wife's) bed, several gifts, refinished and repaired several pieces of furniture.       I am on my way to being as cool as my grandpa, but I know I'm not there yet.  After several  years of people telling me I need to sell things, I finally have made the first step.  But I couldn't do this without my wife supporting me and designing my site for me.  Please keep visiting as products will change or feel free to contact me to make something special for you.     

Court Chrisman

Where You can find truman Woodworks

upcoming schedule and appearances